1998 Regular Session

To: Ways and Means

By: Representative Endt

House Bill 313



SECTION 1. Section 75-76-33, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

75-76-33. (1) The commission shall, from time to time, adopt, amend or repeal such regulations, consistent with the policy, objects and purposes of this chapter, as it may deem necessary or desirable in the public interest in carrying out the policy and provisions of this chapter.

(2) These regulations shall, without limiting the general powers herein conferred, include the following:

(a) Prescribing the method and form of application which any applicant for a license or for a manufacturer's, seller's or distributor's license must follow and complete before consideration of his application by the executive director or the commission.

(b) Prescribing the information to be furnished by any applicant or licensee concerning his antecedents, habits, character, associates, criminal record, business activities and financial affairs, past or present.

(c) Prescribing the information to be furnished by a licensee relating to his employees.

(d) Requiring fingerprinting of an applicant or licensee, and gaming employees of a licensee, or other methods of identification and the forwarding of all fingerprints taken pursuant to regulation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

(e) Prescribing the manner and procedure of all hearings conducted by the commission or any hearing examiner of the commission, including special rules of evidence applicable thereto and notices thereof.

(f) Requiring any applicant to pay all or any part of the fees and costs of investigation of such applicant as may be determined by the commission, except that no applicant for an initial license shall be required to pay any part of the fees or costs of the investigation of the applicant with regard to the initial license.

(g) Prescribing the manner and method of collection and payment of fees and issuance of licenses.

(h) Prescribing under what conditions a licensee may be deemed subject to revocation or suspension of his license.

(i) Requiring any applicant or licensee to waive any privilege with respect to any testimony at any hearing or meeting of the commission, except any privilege afforded by the Constitution of the United States or this state.

(j) Defining and limiting the area, games and devices permitted, and the method of operation of such games and devices, for the purposes of this chapter.

(k) Prescribing under what conditions the nonpayment of a gambling debt by a licensee shall be deemed grounds for revocation or suspension of his license.

(l) Governing the use and approval of gambling devices and equipment.

(m) Prescribing the qualifications of, and the conditions under which, attorneys, accountants and others are permitted to practice before the commission.

(n) Restricting access to confidential information obtained under this chapter and ensuring that the confidentiality of such information is maintained and protected.

(o) Prescribing the manner and procedure by which the executive director on behalf of the commission shall notify a county or a municipality wherein an applicant for a license desires to locate.

(p) Prescribing the manner and procedure for an objection to be filed with the commission and the executive director by a county or municipality wherein an applicant for a license desires to locate.

(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each licensee shall be required to comply with the following regulations:

(a) No wagering shall be allowed on the outcome of any athletic event, nor on any matter to be determined during an athletic event, nor on the outcome of any event which does not take place on the premises.

(b) No wager may be placed by, or on behalf of, any individual or entity or group, not present on a licensed vessel or cruise vessel.

(c) No cash producing or credit producing machines such as bank automatic teller machines or machines capable of producing electronic fund transfers as described in Section 81-5-100, shall be allowed on the premises of any licensed gaming establishment.

SECTION 2. Section 75-76-301, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

75-76-301. (1) It is unlawful for any person:

(a) To alter or misrepresent the outcome of a game or other event on which wagers have been made after the outcome is made sure but before it is revealed to the players.

(b) To place, increase or decrease a bet or to determine the course of play after acquiring knowledge, not available to all players, of the outcome of the game or any event that affects the outcome of the game or that is the subject of the bet or to aid anyone in acquiring such knowledge for the purpose of placing, increasing or decreasing a bet or determining the course of play contingent upon that event or outcome.

(c) To claim, collect or take, or attempt to claim, collect or take, money or anything of value in or from a gambling game, with intent to defraud, without having made a wager contingent thereon, or to claim, collect or take an amount greater than the amount won.

(d) Knowingly to entice or induce another to go to any place where a gambling game is being conducted or operated in violation of the provisions of this chapter, with the intent that the other person play or participate in the gambling game.

(e) To place or increase a bet after acquiring knowledge of the outcome of the game or other event that is the subject of the bet, including past-posting and pressing bets.

(f) To reduce the amount wagered or cancel the bet after acquiring knowledge of the outcome of the game or other event that is the subject of the bet, including pinching bets.

(g) To manipulate, with the intent to cheat, any component of a gaming device in a manner contrary to the designed and normal operational purpose for the component, including, but not limited to, varying the pull of the handle of a slot machine, with knowledge that the manipulation affects the outcome of the game or with knowledge of any event that affects the outcome of the game.

(2) It is unlawful for any person, either as owner or licensee, to knowingly permit any cash producing or credit producing machines such as bank automatic teller machines or machines capable of producing electronic fund transfers as described in Section 81-5-100, to be located on the premises of any licensed gaming establishment.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 1998.