1997 Regular Session

To: Highways and Transportation

By: Senator(s) Little (By Request)

Senate Bill 2688



SECTION 1. Section 27-19-81, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

27-19-81. (1) No vehicle shall be registered by the State Tax Commission or by a tax collector, and no license tag whatsoever shall be issued therefor, where the gross weight of such vehicle shall exceed the limits provided by law. In the event of an emergency requiring the hauling of a greater gross weight than permitted by law, the owner or operator of such vehicle shall obtain an excess weight authorization from the Mississippi Department of Transportation or local authority having jurisdiction of the particular road, street or highway before operating such vehicle on the highways of this state to haul such a gross weight over a route to be designated by the aforesaid department. It shall then be necessary for the owner or operator of said vehicle to obtain a permit from the transportation department, which shall be issued by the department under the same provisions as are provided for the issuance of trip permits under Section 27-19-79, but which such permit shall likewise be obtained prior to the operation of such vehicle on the highways. No persons or agencies other than the Mississippi Department of Transportation shall have authority to issue the permits provided for in this section. The fee to be charged for such permits shall be computed in the same manner provided in said Section 27-19-79 for each one thousand (1,000) pounds, or fractional part thereof, of gross weight above the licensed capacity of the vehicle, up to the maximum legal weights provided by this article on the roads to be traveled.

This subsection shall apply, but not be limited, to any tractor, road roller or road machinery used solely and specifically in road building or other highway construction or maintenance work.

For each one thousand (1,000) pounds, or fractional part thereof, in excess of the weight authorized by Sections 63-5-29 and 63-5-33 for any such vehicle or in excess of the limits set by the transportation department for specified roads and bridges, the fee shall be Five Cents (54) per one thousand (1,000) pounds, or fractional part thereof, for each mile traveled upon the highways of the state. Except that the fee for manufactured housing modular units, residential or commercial, shall be Two Cents (24) per one thousand (1,000) pounds, or fractional part thereof, for each mile traveled upon the highways of the state. Provided, however, no permit shall be issued for a fee of less than Ten Dollars ($10.00).

(2) Before operating a vehicle where the size of the load being hauled is in excess of that permitted by law, the owner or operator of such vehicle shall obtain excess size authorization from the transportation department or proper local authority and an excess size permit from the transportation department. Such excess size permit shall be issued by the Mississippi Department of Transportation under the same provisions as are provided for the issuance of trip permits under Section 27-19-79, and it shall be obtained prior to the operation of such vehicle on the highways. The fee to be charged for such excess size permit shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00) per trip. Such permits may be issued for an extended period of time and must coincide with the expiration date and other provisions of the carrier's permit or authorization issued by the Mississippi Transportation Department or local authority. The fee for such extended permits shall be based upon an annual fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per carrier. No permit shall be issued under this subsection if the issuance of the permit would violate federal law or would cause the State of Mississippi to lose federal aid funds. This subsection shall not apply to any tractor, road roller or road machinery used solely and specifically in road building or other highway construction or maintenance work or to any machinery or equipment operated on the highways or transported thereon in the course of normal farming activities, including cotton module transporters.

(3) The Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Transportation may authorize certain carriers of property to issue overweight and/or oversize permits for vehicles owned or operated by such carriers, provided such carriers have blanket authorization from the transportation commission and also meet other requirements established by the transportation commission.

(4) The owner or operator of a vehicle hauling sand, gravel, fill dirt, agricultural products or unprocessed forestry products may apply to the Mississippi Department of Transportation for a harvest permit for the purpose of authorizing any such vehicles to operate on the highways in this state other than the federal interstate system or those highways designated by the Mississippi Department of Transportation as not capable of carrying more than fifty-seven thousand six hundred fifty (57,650) pounds at the maximum gross weight specified in Section 63-5-33. Harvest permits may be issued and are valid to permit any such vehicle to be operated on a highway in this state that has been designated by the Mississippi Department of Transportation as not capable of carrying more than fifty-seven thousand six hundred fifty (57,650) pounds only if such vehicle operates in compliance with the provisions of Section 63-5-29(3)(b). A fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) shall be charged for each permit issued. The permit shall be in the form of a decal which shall be affixed to each permitted vehicle on the upper left corner of the windshield on the driver's side. Each permit shall expire one (1) year from its date of issue. Through September 30, 1997, the fees collected under this subsection shall be deposited into a special fund that is created in the State Treasury. Monies in the fund shall be allocated and distributed quarterly * * * to each of the counties of the state on an equal basis. Monies distributed to the counties under this subsection shall be deposited in each county's road and bridge fund and may be expended, upon approval of the board of supervisors, for any purpose for which county road and bridge fund monies lawfully may be expended. * * * From and after October 1, 1997, fees collected under this subsection shall be deposited into the State Highway Fund as provided for other fees under subsection (6) of this section.

(5) Any owner or operator who has met the requirements set by the Mississippi Transportation Commission may defer payment of permits issued by the department until the end of the current month. If full payment is not received by the twentieth of the following month, there may be added as damages to the total amount of the delinquency or deficiency the following percentages: ten percent (10%) for the first offense; fifteen percent (15%) for the second offense and twenty-five percent (25%) for the third and any subsequent offense. Upon the third offense, the department may suspend the privilege to defer payment. The balance due shall become payable upon notice and demand by the department.

(6) The permit fee monies collected under this section, except as provided for in subsection (4) of this section, shall be deposited into the State Highway Fund for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction of highways and roads of the State of Mississippi or the payment of interest and principal on bonds authorized by the Legislature for construction and reconstruction of highways.

(7) The department may waive the permits, taxes and fees set forth in this section whenever a motor vehicle is operated upon the public highways in this state in response to an emergency, a major disaster or the threat of a major disaster.

SECTION 2. Section 27-19-89, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

27-19-89. (a) If any nonresident owner or operator or other nonresident person eligible for a temporary permit as provided in Section 27-19-79, who has not elected to register and pay the annual privilege taxes prescribed, shall enter or go upon the public highways of the state and shall fail or refuse to obtain the permit required by Section 27-19-79, such person shall be liable, for the first such offense, for the full amount of the permit fee required, plus a penalty thereon of five hundred percent (500%). For the second and all subsequent offenses, such person who fails or refuses to obtain such permits shall be liable for the pro rata part of the annual tax for the balance of the tag year for the maximum legal gross weight of the vehicle plus a penalty thereon of twenty-five percent (25%). Any weight in excess of the maximum legal gross weight of the vehicle, or in excess of the maximum highway weight limit, shall be penalized according to subsection (c) of this section. In either case the excess weight shall be removed by the operator before the vehicle can be allowed to proceed. In order to constitute a "second or subsequent offense" under the provisions hereof, it shall not be necessary that the same or identical vehicle be involved, it being the declared purpose hereof to provide that such penalties shall run against the owner or operator rather than against the specified vehicle. It is further provided that, in order for such owner or operator to become liable for the penalties herein provided, it shall not be necessary to show that such owner or operator was guilty of willfulness, gross negligence or wantonness, but the offense shall be complete upon the failure or refusal to obtain the required permit.

(b) If any person who has registered his vehicle in Mississippi shall operate such vehicle upon the public highways, having a gross weight greater than the licensed gross weight of such vehicle, and shall fail or refuse to obtain a permit therefor as required by Section 27-19-79, or if any person shall operate any such registered vehicle upon the public highways in a higher classification than that for which it is registered, and shall fail or refuse to obtain a permit therefor as required by Section 27-19-79, then such person shall be liable for the pro rata part of the annual tax for the balance of the tag year for the legal gross weight of such vehicle and in the classification in which same is being operated, plus a penalty thereon of twenty-five percent (25%), after having been given credit for the unexpired part of the privilege tax paid, as provided in Section 27-19-75. In order that such owner or operator shall become liable for the penalties herein provided, it shall not be necessary to show that such owner or operator was guilty of willfulness, gross negligence or wantonness, but the offense shall be complete upon the failure or refusal to obtain the required permit.

(c) If any person shall operate upon a highway of this state a vehicle which has a greater vehicle gross weight than the maximum gross weight limit established by law for that highway and shall have failed to obtain an overload permit as required by Section 27-19-81, or if any person shall operate a vehicle with a greater load on any axle or axle grouping than allowed by law, then such person, owner or operator shall be assessed a penalty on such axle load weight or vehicle gross weight as exceeds the legal limit in accordance with the following schedule:




1 to 999 $10.00 minimum penalty 1,000 to 1,999 14 per pound in excess of legal limit

2,000 to 2,999 24 per pound in excess of legal limit

3,000 to 3,999 34 per pound in excess of legal limit

4,000 to 4,999 44 per pound in excess of legal limit

5,000 to 5,999 54 per pound in excess of legal limit

6,000 to 6,999 64 per pound in excess of legal limit

7,000 to 7,999 74 per pound in excess of legal limit

8,000 to 8,999 84 per pound in excess of legal limit

9,000 to 9,999 94 per pound in excess of legal limit

10,000 to 10,999 104 per pound in excess of legal limit

11,000 or more 114 per pound in excess of legal limit

Any vehicle in violation of the tolerance allowed pursuant to Section 63-5-33(3) shall be fined pursuant to Section 27-19-89(c) for all weight in excess of the legal highway gross weight limit authorized for such vehicle or for all weight in excess of the legal tandem axle load weight limit of forty thousand (40,000) pounds and the legal single axle load limit of twenty thousand (20,000) pounds, whichever the case may be.

The penalty to be assessed for operations of a vehicle with a greater load on any axle or axle grouping than the legal axle load weight limits shall be one-half (1/2) the penalty for operation in excess of the legal gross weight limit.

In instances where both the legal highway gross weight limit and the legal axle load weight limit(s) are exceeded, the fine that shall be levied shall be either the penalty amount for the excess vehicle gross weight or the total of the penalty amounts of all overloaded axles, whichever is the larger amount.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section to the contrary, the fine assessed against the holder of a harvest permit for exceeding the maximum legal weight as provided in Section 63-5-33(3) shall be Five Cents (54) per pound and Fifteen Cents (154) per pound for exceeding the maximum legal weight limit by sixteen thousand (16,000) pounds or more.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection (c) to the contrary, upon an appeal to the Appeals Board of the Mississippi Transportation Commission by an owner or operator of a vehicle hauling without a harvest permit any of the products or materials described in subsection (3) of Section 63-5-33 and upon whom a penalty has been assessed under this subsection (c) for exceeding the legal weight limit(s) on a highway having a legal weight limit of eighty thousand (80,000) pounds or less, the appeals board shall reduce the penalty assessed against such owner/operator to an amount not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the amount which would otherwise be due without the reduction authorized under this paragraph. A reduction shall not be authorized under this paragraph if the gross weight of the vehicle for which an owner/operator has been charged with a violation of this section exceeds eighty-four thousand (84,000) pounds; and, in any event, no reduction shall be authorized under this paragraph unless a penalty assessed under this section is appealed to the appeals board and unless the board determines, based upon its records, that such owner/operator has not been granted a penalty reduction under this paragraph within a period of twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date of filing an appeal with the board for a penalty reduction under this paragraph.

(d) If any nonresident owner or operator who has not registered his vehicle and paid the annual privilege taxes prescribed shall operate his vehicle upon the highways of this state when such vehicle has a greater gross weight than permitted by law for the highway traveled upon, and for which such excess gross weight a permit was not or could not be procured from the transportation department as required by Section 27-19-81, such person shall be liable upon his second and all subsequent offenses for the pro rata part of the annual tax for the balance of the tag year for the legal gross weight of the vehicle, and in addition thereto the penalty fee on the excess weight as specified in subsection (c) of this section. In order that such owner or operator shall become liable for the penalties herein provided, it shall not be necessary that the same or identical vehicle be involved, it being the declared purpose hereof to provide that such penalties shall run against the owner or operator rather than against the specific vehicle.

(e) All fines and penalties imposed and collected by the Mississippi Department of Transportation for violations of the maximum legal vehicle weight limits authorized on the highways of this state shall be deposited into a special fund that is created in the State Treasury. Through September 30, 1997, monies in the fund shall be allocated and distributed quarterly * * * to each county of the state based on the amount of such fines and penalties imposed and collected in the county during the immediately preceding three (3) months. Monies distributed to the counties under this subsection shall be deposited in each county's road and bridge fund and may be expended, upon approval of the board of supervisors, for any purpose for which county road and bridge fund monies lawfully may be expended. From and after October 1, 1997, monies in the special fund shall be expended by the transportation department, pursuant to legislative appropriation, to establish a program to provide financial assistance to certain haulers of unprocessed agricultural and unprocessed forestry products for the acquisition of on-board scales in accordance with criteria and procedures established by the Mississippi Transportation Commission. This subsection shall stand repealed from and after July 1, 1999.

SECTION 3. Section 27-19-137, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

27-19-137. The agents of the Mississippi Department of Transportation and the State Tax Commission shall have the right to inspect at all reasonable times all motor vehicles operating upon the highways of this state and shall likewise have the authority to inspect and examine all records kept by any person relating or pertaining to the liability of any person for any tax imposed by the provisions of this article. A person who weighs goods before unloading or before shipping, or a person who loads or unloads goods on the basis of liquid volume measure, shall keep a written record of the weight of the vehicle and load of each shipment, the date of loading or receipt, the name and address of the shipper, the total number of axles on the vehicle or combination of vehicles and the tag number of the power unit. The record shall be retained for thirty (30) days and shall be open to inspection and copying by an agent of the Mississippi Department of Transportation, upon giving reasonable notice to the person having control and custody of such records. A record that states a gross weight of the vehicle and load or the weight of the load when combined with the empty weight of the vehicle that is in excess of legal maximum weight limits is relevant evidence that, and shall constitute a legal presumption that, the weight of the vehicle and load is unlawful. Persons who weigh goods before shipping may be liable to pay any penalties issued as a result of such records inspection. The weight records of a private person shall not be inspected until the passage of thirty (30) calendar days after the most recent previous inspection. The transportation department and its representatives shall also have the authority and power to cause any vehicle engaged in the transportation of property upon the public highways of this state to submit to a weighing of such vehicle and the load thereon, either by means of portable or stationary scales, and may require that such vehicle be driven to the nearest scales for weighing.

Penalties issued pursuant to this section may be appealed to the Mississippi Department of Transportation Appeals Board; and the appeals board, under the authority vested in it by Section 65-1-46, Mississippi Code of 1972, may require full payment, or reduce or dismiss penalties upon due consideration of all the facts relating to the assessment and payment of the penalties.

SECTION 4. Section 63-5-33, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

63-5-33. (1) Subject to the limitations imposed on wheel and axle loads by Section 63-5-27, and to the further limitations hereinafter specified, the total combined weight (vehicles plus load) on any group of axles of a vehicle or a combination of vehicles shall not exceed the value given in the following table (Table III) corresponding to the distance in feet between the extreme axles of the group, measured longitudinally to the nearest foot, on those highways or parts of highways designated by the Mississippi Transportation Commission as being capable of carrying the maximum load limits and, in addition thereto, such other highways or parts of highways found by the commission to be suitable to carry the maximum load limits from an engineering standpoint, and so designated as such by order of the commission entered upon its minutes and published once each week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a daily newspaper published in this state and having a general circulation therein. The maximum total combined weight carried on any group of two (2) or more consecutive axles shall be determined by the formula contained in the Federal Weight Law enacted January 4, 1975, as follows: W=500 (LN/N-12+NP) where W=maximum weight in pounds carried on any group of two (2) or more axles computed to nearest five hundred (500) pounds, L=distance in feet between the extremes of any group of two (2) or more consecutive axles, and N=number of axles in group under consideration.










2 axles 3 axles 4 axles 5 axles 6 axles 7 axles

4 34,000

5 34,000

6 34,000 Axle groups in

7 34,000

8 34,000 34,000 these spacings

9 39,000 42,500

10 40,000 43,500 impractical

11 44,000

12 45,000 50,000

13 45,500 50,500

14 46,500 51,500

15 47,000 52,000

16 48,000 52,500 58,000

17 48,500 53,500 58,500

18 49,500 54,000 59,000

19 50,000 54,500 60,000

20 51,000 55,500 60,500 66,000

21 51,500 56,000 61,000 66,500

22 52,500 56,500 61,500 67,000

23 53,000 57,500 62,500 68,000

24 54,000 58,000 63,000 68,500 74,000

25 54,500 58,500 63,500 69,000 74,500

26 55,500 59,500 64,000 69,500 75,000

27 56,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,500

28 57,000 60,500 65,500 71,000 76,500

29 57,500 61,500 66,000 71,500 77,000

30 58,500 62,000 66,500 72,000 77,500

31 59,000 62,500 67,500 72,500 78,000

32 60,000 63,500 68,000 73,000 78,500

33 64,000 68,500 74,000 79,000

34 64,500 69,000 74,500 80,000

35 65,500 70,000 75,000 80,000

36 66,000 70,500 75,500 80,000

37 66,500 71,000 76,000 80,000

38 67,500 71,500 77,000 80,000

39 68,000 72,500 77,500 80,000

40 68,500 73,000 78,000 80,000

41 69,500 73,500 78,500 80,000

42 70,000 74,000 79,000 80,000

43 70,500 75,000 80,000 80,000

44 71,500 75,500 80,000 80,000

45 72,000 76,000 80,000 80,000

46 72,500 76,500 80,000 80,000

47 73,500 77,500 80,000 80,000

48 74,000 78,000 80,000 80,000

49 74,500 78,500 80,000 80,000

50 75,500 79,000 80,000 80,000

51 76,000 80,000 80,000 80,000

52 76,500 80,000 80,000 80,000

53 77,500 80,000 80,000 80,000

54 78,000 80,000 80,000 80,000

55 78,500 80,000 80,000 80,000

56 79,500 80,000 80,000 80,000

57 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000

(2) Moreover, in addition to the per axle weight limitations specified by Section 63-5-27, two (2) consecutive sets of tandem axles may carry a gross load of thirty-four thousand (34,000) pounds each, providing that the overall distance between the first and last axles of such consecutive sets of tandem axles is thirty-six (36) feet or more, except that, until September 1, 1989, the axle distance for tank trailers, dump trailers and ocean transport container haulers may be thirty (30) feet or more. Such overall gross weight may not exceed eighty thousand (80,000) pounds, except as provided by this section.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 63-5-27 and/or Section 63-5-29 to the contrary, vehicles hauling products in the manner set forth in this subsection shall be allowed a gross weight of not to exceed forty thousand (40,000) pounds on any tandem, and a tolerance not to exceed five percent (5%) above their authorized gross weight, tandem or axle weight; except that the maximum weight of any vehicle which is not operating with a harvest permit shall not exceed eighty thousand (80,000) pounds plus a tolerance thereon of not more than two percent (2%); however, neither the increased weights in this subsection nor any tolerance shall be allowed on federal interstate highways or on other highways where a tolerance is specifically prohibited by the transportation commission, the county board of supervisors or the municipal governing authorities as provided for in Section 63-5-27. Vehicles operating with a harvest permit shall not be allowed any tolerance above their authorized gross weight. The tolerance allowed by this subsection shall only apply to the operation of vehicles from the point of loading to the point of unloading for processing, and to the operation of vehicles hauling sand, gravel, fill dirt and agricultural products, * * * and products for recycling or materials for the construction or repair of highways. The range of such operation shall not exceed a radius of one hundred (100) miles except where the products are being transported for processing within this state. * * *

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 63-5-27 and/or Section 63-5-29 to the contrary, vehicles hauling prepackaged products, unloaded at a state port or to be loaded at a state port, which are containerized in such a manner as to make subdivision thereof impractical shall be allowed a gross weight of not to exceed forty thousand (40,000) pounds on any tandem, and a tolerance not to exceed five percent (5%) above their authorized gross weight, tandem or axle weight; except that the maximum weight of any vehicle shall not exceed eighty thousand (80,000) pounds plus a tolerance thereon of not more than two percent (2%); however, neither the increased weights in this subsection nor any tolerance shall be allowed on federal interstate highways or on other highways where a tolerance is specifically prohibited by the transportation commission, the county board of supervisors or the municipal governing authorities as provided for in Section 63-5-27.

(5)(a) Vehicles for which a harvest permit has been issued pursuant to Section 27-19-81(4) shall be allowed a gross vehicle weight not to exceed four thousand (4,000) pounds in excess of the amount allowed, in accordance with the number of axles and axle spacings, in Table III of this section. However, the board of supervisors of any county and the governing authorities of any municipality may designate the roads, streets and highways under their respective jurisdiction on and along which vehicles for which a harvest permit has been issued may travel. This subsection shall not apply to the federal interstate system.

(b) Any owner or operator who has been issued a harvest permit and who wishes to operate a vehicle on the roads, streets or highways under the jurisdiction of a county or municipality at a gross vehicle weight greater than the weight allowed by law or greater than the maximum weight established for such roads, streets or highways by the board of supervisors or municipal governing authorities, shall notify, in writing, the board of supervisors or the governing authorities, as the case may be, before operating such vehicle on the roads, streets or highways of such county or municipality. In his notice, the permit holder shall identify the routes over which he intends to operate vehicles for which the permit has been issued and the dates or time period during which he will be operating such vehicles. The board of supervisors or the governing authorities, as the case may be, shall have two (2) working days to respond in writing to the permit holder to notify the permit holder of the routes on and along which the permit holder may operate vehicles for which a harvest permit has been issued. Failure of the board of supervisors or the governing authorities timely to notify the permit holder and to designate the routes on and along which the permit holder may operate shall be considered as authorizing the permit holder to operate on any of the roads, streets or highways of the county or municipality in accordance with the authority granted to the permit holder by the harvest permit.

(c) Anytime a timber deed is filed with the chancery clerk, the grantee, at that time, may make a written request of the board of supervisors of the county or the governing authorities of the municipality, as the case may be, for the purpose of providing to the grantee, within three (3) working days of the filing of the request, a designated and approved route over the roads, streets or highways under the jurisdiction of the county or city, as the case may be, that the grantee may travel for the purpose of transporting harvested timber. Upon providing such route designation, the county or city, as the case may be, shall also provide to the grantee a map designating the approved route. An approved route designation provided to a grantee under the provisions of this paragraph shall be valid for a period of six (6) months from its date of issue. The permit authorized to be issued under paragraph (b) of this section shall not be required for any person who obtains a permit issued under this paragraph.

 * * *

(6) Nothing in this section or subsections (1) through (4) of Section 63-5-27 shall be construed to deny the operation of any vehicle or combination of vehicles that could be lawfully operated upon the interstate highway system of this state on January 4, 1975.

SECTION 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 1997.