Mississippi Legislature
2007 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 02/09/2007

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House Roll Call Senate Roll Call
      Present--Akins, Aldridge, Arinder, Bailey, Baker (8th), Baker (74th), Banks, Barnett, Beckett, Blackmon, Bondurant, Bounds, Broomfield, Brown, Buck, Burnett, Calhoun, Chism, Clark, Clarke, Cockerham, Coleman (29th), Coleman (65th), Compretta, Cummings, Davis, Dedeaux, Denny, Dickson, Eaton, Ellington, Ellis, Espy, Evans, Fillingane, Flaggs, Fleming, Formby, Franks, Fredericks, Frierson, Gadd, Gibbs, Gregory, Guice, Gunn, Hamilton (6th), Hamilton (109th), Harrison, Hines, Holland, Holloway, Horne, Howell, Huddleston, Hudson, Ishee, Janus, Jennings, Johnson, Lane, Lott, Malone, Markham, Martinson, Masterson, Mayhall, Mayo, McBride, Middleton, Mims, Moak, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Moss, Myers, Nicholson, Norquist, Palazzo, Parker, Patterson, Peranich, Perkins, Read, Reed, Reeves, Reynolds, Robinson (84th), Robinson (63rd), Rogers (14th), Rogers (61st), Rotenberry, Scott, Shows, Simpson, Smith (59th), Smith (27th), Smith (39th), Snowden, Staples, Straughter, Stringer, Sullivan, Thomas, Turner, Upshaw, Vince, Ward, Walley, Warren, Watson, Weathersby, Wells-Smith, Whittington, Woods, Young, Zuber, Mr. Speaker. Total--119.
      Absent--Miles, Stevens. Total--2.
      Present--Albritton, Brown, Bryan, Burton, Butler, Carmichael, Chaney, Chassaniol, Clarke, Cuevas, Davis, Dawkins, Dearing, Doxey, Fillingane, Flowers, Frazier, Gollott, Gordon, Harden, Horhn, Hyde-Smith, Jackson G. (15th), Jackson R. (11th), Jackson S. (32nd), Jordan, King, Kirby, Lee P. (35th), Lee E. (47th), Little, Mettetal, Michel, Moffatt, Nunnelee, Pickering, Posey, Robertson, Ross, Simmons, Thames, Thomas, Tollison, Turner, Walley, Walls, White, Wilemon, Williamson. Total--49.
      Absent--Browning, Hewes, Morgan. Total--3.

House: Introductions

HB1645  Appropriation; additional to Supreme Court for funding    Blackmon
        support staff positions and special judges appointed.  
           02/09 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB1646  Taxation; increase various taxes to fund state            Scott
           02/09 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB1647  Lowndes County; authorize to contribute to Boys and       Chism
        Girls Clubs.                                           
           02/09 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation
HB1648  Appropriation; DFA for constructing new Museum of         Holland
        Mississippi History.                                   
           02/09 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB1649  Suffrage; restore to Robin Rushing of Coahoma County.     Mayo
           02/09 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HC  58  Dr. William Geissler; commend for creating worldwide      Barnett
           02/09 (H) Referred To Rules
HC  59  Phi Theta Kappa; commend the All-Mississippi Academic     Young
           02/09 (H) Referred To Rules
HR  23  Bernice E. Totten; commend life of.                       Buck
           02/09 (H) Referred To Rules

House: Floor Actions

HB  59  Fishing; authorize reciprocity with adjacent states for   Zuber
        persons 65 and older.                                  
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 363  State Board of Contractors; authorize to employ           Guice
        personnel to monitor out-of-state contractors.         
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 364  State Board of Contractors; create registry for           Guice
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 426  Corrections; authorize offenders not sentenced to RID     Malone
        to be housed at South Mississippi Correctional         
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 427  Intensive supervision program; prohibit participants of   Malone
        the program from leaving state's jurisdiction.         
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 432  Endangering corrections employee and others with bodily   Malone
        substances; make a criminal act.                       
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 434  Agricultural leases of prison lands to private            Malone
        entities; increase lease period from three to five     
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 436  Department of Corrections; authorize to house any         Malone
        classification of offenders at private prisons.        
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 528  Medicaid program; make certain technical amendments       Dedeaux
        regarding administration of.                           
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 548  Public property; extend repealer on section authorizing   Warren
        DFA to sell and convey or lease certain land known as  
        Jefferson Street properties.                           
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
HB 641  Universities and community colleges; authorize            Clark
        gaming-related courses.                                
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Failed
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 657  Consumer reporting agencies; require to provide           Guice
        consumer a copy of his or her file two times per year. 
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 661  Exploitation of children; clarify undercover detection    Smith (39th)
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 710  Embezzlement; clarify (AG).                               Franks
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 728  Youth Court Support Fund and Tony Gobar Juvenile          Flaggs
        Justice Alternative Grants Fund; create and make       
        appropriation for.                                     
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 750  Private Investigators Law; create.                        Malone
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 762  Expunction; revise offenses that are eligible.            Holland
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 768  Conditions for state offenders to serve sentences in      Warren
        county jails; extend repealer (RP).                    
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 806  Walnut Grove; revise the number of youth offenders who    Malone
        may be housed at.                                      
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 810  Department of Health; authorize purchase of certain       Weathersby
        properties for departmental use.                       
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 816  Headlighting; define overt acts and exempt certain        Moak *
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 834  Program to redesign secondary schools in Mississippi;     Brown
        authorize State Board of Education to develop.         
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
HB 839  Child support payments; arrearage in payments does not    Holland
        bar DHS review of order and downward modification of.  
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 841  Paternity; authorize DHS to statistically report          Holland
        putative paternity under certain conditions.           
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 882  Weapons; revise penalties for felons possessing and for   Franks
        carrying concealed (AG).                               
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 885  Kinship care payments; DHS may pay to persons who         Holland
        assume custody of related child in DHS custody.        
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 927  CON filing fees; increase maximum authorized fee          Holland
        charged by Health Department.                          
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 929  Hospice licensure fees; increase.                         Holland
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 984  Habitually disruptive students; revise provisions         Buck
        relating to expulsion of.                              
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 985  Correctional regional facility; authorize Department of   Bailey
        Corrections to contract with Washington, Hinds and     
        Alcorn Counties for.                                   
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1010  Department of Public Safety; authorize to relocate        Weathersby
        certain offices to the Law Enforcement Officers'       
        Training Academy.                                      
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB1033  Public property; DFA shall convey old Farmers' Market     Weathersby
        to UMC, subject to certain conditions.                 
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
HB1040  Legislative vacancies; revise qualifying deadline.        Reynolds
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1068  Cosmetology Board; revise membership of board and other   Holland
        provisions of licensure law.                           
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
HB1087  Assistant teachers; study career path opportunity         Harrison
        program for.                                           
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1102  CON law; revise various administrative provisions and     Holland
        issue CONs for several projects.                       
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1106  Mayor-Council form of government; revise certain          Watson
        requirements before adjustments in mayor or councilmen 
        salaries can take place.                               
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB1132  School nurse program; establish under State Department    Holland *
        of Education and provide funding for.                  
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1137  Child Death Review Panel; specify agencies from which     Holland
        it may obtain needed information.                      
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1142  Tourism project sales tax incentive; authorize for        Peranich
        certain tourism projects that locate in this state.    
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1144  Universities and colleges; aliens pay out-of-state        Lott
        tuition regardless of domicile and immigration status. 
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
HB1150  Municipalities; authorize to handle grants and to         Reeves
        convey municipal real property under certain           
        circumstances without appraisal notice, bid or         
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB1175  District attorneys; additional assistants and             Warren
        investigators in certain districts.                    
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1180  Community and junior colleges; provide formula for        Frierson
        calculation of funding for and require Legislature to  
        appropriate that amount.                               
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1185  State property; authorize lease of Old School for the     Weathersby
        Blind for private redevelopment.                       
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1190  Mississippi Motion Picture Incentive Act; revise          Peranich
        certain incentives.                                    
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1202  CON; issue for construction of acute care hospital in     Dickson
        Kemper County.                                         
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1209  State inland port authority; authorize to sell land       Cummings
        taken by eminent domain to original owner.             
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1248  Hotel; revise the definition of for certain purposes.     Peranich
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1297  Preneed casket contracts; must meet all requirements      Banks
        applicable to preneed contracts for funeral services.  
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1312  Insurance rebate monies; county must designate fire       Formby
        investigator and require training.                     
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1318  Social workers employed by the State of Mississippi;      Holland
        provide for salary realignment for.                    
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1330  State buildings; revise manner of preplanning public      Moss
        construction projects (PEER).                          
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1379  Mississippi Employment Protection Act; create.            Lott
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB1492  State parks; Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks may lease      McBride
        certain lands for commercial/residential development.  
           02/09 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
HB1510  12th Circuit Court Community Corrections Act of 2007;     Watson
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1523  Medical examiners; provide extra fee for preparing SIDS   Holland
        Death Scene Investigation report.                      
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB1532  Ethics; reform laws by expanding content of information   Moak
        included in statement of economic interest.            
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1536  Adoption; revise several provisions relating to.          Holland
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB1537  Dual-phase design-build construction; provide procedure   Weathersby
        for procurement and establish procedure for            
        construction managers at risk.                         
           02/09 (H) Reconsidered
           02/09 (H) Amended
           02/09 (H) Passed As Amended
HB1544  Gaming; remove obsolete and repealed language from        Moak
        regulatory law and confirm authority to conduct certain
           02/09 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HC  46  Jumel C. Terry; commend upon being named recipient of     Perkins
        NBCSL's Regis F. Groff Youth Award.                    
           02/09 (H) Adopted
           02/09 (H) Immediate Release
HC  47  South Panola High School Football Team; commend on        McBride
        breaking the state record for consecutive wins.        
           02/09 (H) Adopted
           02/09 (H) Immediate Release
HC  49  Dr. William A. Middleton; commend upon being named        Howell
        "Family Physician of the Year."                        
           02/09 (H) Adopted
           02/09 (H) Immediate Release
HC  50  Puckett High School Wolves Football Team; commend upon    Rotenberry
        winning Class 1A State Championship.                   
           02/09 (H) Adopted
           02/09 (H) Immediate Release
HC  51  Emile L. "Junie" Desporte III; commend life upon his      Janus
           02/09 (H) Adopted
           02/09 (H) Immediate Release
HC  52  State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); urge   Flaggs
        Congress to timely reauthorize.                        
           02/09 (H) Adopted
           02/09 (H) Immediate Release
HR  20  Margaret Ross; commend upon selection as a recipient of   Reynolds
        Newsweek magazine's "Giving Back Award."               
           02/09 (H) Adopted
           02/09 (H) Immediate Release
HR  21  Lt. Col. Washington DuBois Ross; commend service and      Mayo
        sacrifice of to the state and nation.                  
           02/09 (H) Adopted
           02/09 (H) Immediate Release

Senate: Introductions

SC 574  Commend Cori and Kerri Rigsby for assisting in state's    Dawkins
        investigation and lawsuit against insurance industry.  
           02/09 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 575  Recognizing February as National "Black History Month."   Jackson (11th)
           02/09 (S) Referred To Rules

Senate: Floor Actions

HC  35  Truett Robertson; commend upon retirement from            Bounds
        Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and      
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  38  Mayor Sheriel Perkins; commend as first African           Perkins
        American and first female Mayor of Greenwood,          
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  43  Fran Graves; commend on being named a Mississippi         Weathersby
        Ageless Hero for 2006.                                 
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  44  Mississippi Rural Water Association; commend for          Holloway
        outstanding response to Hurricane Katrina.             
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
HC  45  John McCullouch; commend upon retirement as President     Perkins
        of BellSouth Mississippi.                              
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2123  Public assistance benefits; require applicants to         Flowers
        verify United States citizenship or lawful presence to 
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2209  Minors; notify DA when conception is due to rape or       Nunnelee
        sexual battery.                                        
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2350  MS Mortgage Consumer Protection Law; extend repealer      Mettetal
        and make various amendments.                           
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2370  Local option & light wine & beer laws; remove certain     Robertson
        residency requirements & extend authority of ABC agents
        to enforce law.                                        
           02/09 (S) Reconsidered
           02/09 (S) Amended
           02/09 (S) Passed As Amended
SB2549  Wildlife; revise penalty for dumping dead wildlife on     Gollott
        streets and roads.                                     
           02/09 (S) Reconsidered
           02/09 (S) Amended
           02/09 (S) Passed As Amended
SB2582  Corrections; provide that person on house arrest shall    Doxey
        not leave the jurisdiction of the state except for     
        approved medical emergencies.                          
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2583  Corrections; authorize electronic notice of release of    Doxey
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2584  Corrections; remove the cap on meritorious earned time    Doxey
        for offenders.                                         
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2597  Corrections; increase maximum term of agricultural        Doxey
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2600  Prison Industries; remove repealer on prohibition of      Doxey *
        procurement of certain prison made goods from other    
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2623  Corrections; revise distribution of inmate telephone      Doxey
        call commissions.                                      
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2652  State construction projects; authorize DFA to approve     Jackson (32nd)
        demolitions/acquire rights-of-way.                     
           02/09 (S) Reconsidered
           02/09 (S) Passed
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2745  MS Veterans Memorial Stadium Commission; revise maximum   Jackson (32nd)
        term of leases on its property.                        
           02/09 (S) Reconsidered
           02/09 (S) Amended
           02/09 (S) Passed As Amended
SB2782  Temporary detention; codify Terry stop by peace           Albritton
           02/09 (S) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB2804  Parole; provide that first-time offenders for selling     Doxey
        drugs may be eligible for parole.                      
           02/09 (S) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
SB2831  Elections; revise the date for runoff election for        Burton
        certain offices.                                       
           02/09 (S) Reconsidered
           02/09 (S) Amended
           02/09 (S) Passed As Amended
SB3004  Tourism project sales tax incentive; authorize for        Robertson
        certain tourism projects that locate in this state.    
           02/09 (S) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB3005  Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks; may transfer the    Gollott
        Lyman Fish Hatchery to DMR.                            
           02/09 (S) Reconsidered
           02/09 (S) Amended
           02/09 (S) Passed As Amended
SB3025  Corrections; person guilty of manslaughter, burglary or   Walley
        DUI not eligible for trusty reduction of sentence.     
           02/09 (S) Reconsidered
           02/09 (S) Passed
SB3048  School for the Blind property; authorize DFA to           Jackson (32nd)
        lease/provide homestead exemption.                     
           02/09 (S) Reconsidered
           02/09 (S) Passed
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SB3053  Public property; DFA shall convey old Farmers Market to   Jackson (32nd)
        UMC, subject to certain conditions.                    
           02/09 (S) Reconsidered
           02/09 (S) Amended
           02/09 (S) Passed As Amended
SC 552  Commend Delta State University Head Football Coach Rick   Dearing
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 554  Commend Natchez Cathedral High School Football Coach      Dearing
        Ken Beesley on 200th career victory and legacy.        
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 555  Commend State Treasurer Tate Reeves for his election as   Michel
        President of the National Association of State         
        Treasurers (NAST).                                     
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 556  Commend Ole Miss All-American Senior Linebacker Patrick   Michel
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 557  Commend Southaven High School "Chargers" Girls            Flowers
        Volleyball Team for State Championship and perfect     
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 558  Commend Robert R. Latham, Jr., for his service as         Fillingane
        Executive Director of MEMA.                            
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 560  Commend the Scholastic Gulf Coast Recovery Initiative     White
        for accomplishments in rebuilding the schools on the   
        Gulf Coast.                                            
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 561  Commend Stewpot Community Services on 25th Anniversary.   Harden
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 563  Commend Franklin County High School "Bulldogs" Football   Dearing
        Team for winning State Championship.                   
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 564  Commend Weyerhaeuser Company for National Presidential    Butler
        Award for disaster response efforts on Mississippi Gulf
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 569  Recognize Centennial Anniversary of Mississippi 4-H.      Hyde-Smith
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 570  Commend New Orleans Saints for remarkable 2006-2007       Hewes
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 573  Commend Trinity Episcopal Day School "Saints" Football    Dearing
        Team for State Championship.                           
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
           02/09 (S) Transmitted To House
SR   4  Commend C.R. (Bob) Ridgway on induction into the          Michel
        Mississippi Realtor Hall of Fame.                      
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release
SR   6  Commend Mandy and Paul Rogers for being named "Our 2006   Harden
        Most Caring Coaches" by USA Weekend Magazine.          
           02/09 (S) Adopted
           02/09 (S) Immediate Release

Senate: Referred Other House

HB  80  Concealed weapon permit; revise fee for reserve law       Bondurant
        enforcement officers.                                  
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
HB 251  School enrollment; authorize students to enroll in        Fleming
        district where parent is purchasing residence.         
           02/09 (S) Referred To Education
HB 351  Toll roads; authorize Mississippi Transportation          Miles
        Commission and local government entities to construct  
        and finance.                                           
           02/09 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation;Finance
HB 428  Electronic notice; authorize Department of Corrections    Malone
        to utilize when certain offenders are released.        
           02/09 (S) Referred To Corrections
HB 429  Placement of inmate in pre-release center; allow within   Malone
        one year of earliest release date and allow            
        commissioner's designee to approve of.                 
           02/09 (S) Referred To Corrections
HB 430  Inmate telephone call commissions; continue to allow      Malone
        certain percentages to be deposited into certain funds.
           02/09 (S) Referred To Corrections;Appropriations
HB 475  Family protection workers; establish scholarship          Dedeaux
        program to obtain college education necessary to become
        social worker.                                         
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
HB 571  Dr. Clinton Bristow, Jr.; name new dining hall on         Holland
        campus of Alcorn State University after.               
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Property
HB 683  Mississippi Military Family Relief Fund and tax           Warren
        checkoff; extend date of repeal.                       
           02/09 (S) Referred To Finance
HB 753  Building codes; revise requirements for certain coastal   Frierson
           02/09 (S) Referred To Insurance
HB 781  Salaries; allow county and municipal employees to         Robinson (84th)
        receive compensatory pay or time for work on holidays. 
           02/09 (S) Referred To County Affairs;Fees, Salaries and Administration
HB 807  Crime of deprivation of rights under color of law;        Janus
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
HB 811  Department of Archives and History; authorize to          Weathersby
        sublease space in the GM&O Passenger Depot to          
        not-for-profit organizations.                          
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Property
HB 832  Alternative school programs; local school districts       Brown
        have broad authority to establish.                     
           02/09 (S) Referred To Education
HB 840  New hires; revise definition of employer required to      Holland
        report to Department of Human Services.                
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB 854  Bonds; revise amount of investment required before        Lane
        bonds may be issued for railroad line improvements in  
        certain counties.                                      
           02/09 (S) Referred To Finance
HB 856  Municipalities; authorize to handle grants, enter into    Robinson (63rd)
        contracts and provide assistance.                      
           02/09 (S) Referred To Municipalities
HB 861  Sales tax; divert portion of certain revenue to Boll      Eaton
        Weevil Management Fund.                                
           02/09 (S) Referred To Finance
HB 864  Tuition; waive at universities and colleges for           Read
        children of deceased and disabled veterans.            
           02/09 (S) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB 866  Animal Care Fund; revise funding to include qualified     Eaton
        nonprofit organizations.                               
           02/09 (S) Referred To Agriculture
HB 888  Statutory rape; revise definition of sexual               Mayo
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
HB 898  Child support; increase civil contempt fines against      Holland
        employers refusing to withhold.                        
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
HB1059  Electronic case filing; authorize funding of pilot        Blackmon
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A;Appropriations
HB1076  Hunting and fishing licenses; exempt military personnel   Cockerham
        on leave from duty on global war on terror.            
           02/09 (S) Referred To Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
HB1079  Municipalities; authorize to impound/tow vehicles for     Reeves
        failure to pay certain fines or for outstanding        
           02/09 (S) Referred To Municipalities;Judiciary, Division B
HB1103  Emerging Crops Fund; MDA may secure letters of credit     Watson
        to guarantee certain bid, performance and payment bonds
        for minority businesses.                               
           02/09 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1104  Income tax; increase the penalty for grossly negligent    Watson
        preparations of returns by a preparer.                 
           02/09 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1114  Traffic offenses; authorize $1.00 surcharge in certain    Reeves
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B;Municipalities
HB1126  Bonds; authorize certain bond proceeds to be utilized     Frierson
        by the Department of Marine Resources.                 
           02/09 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1143  State employees; revise wireless communication device     Reeves
        limitations for certain.                               
           02/09 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
HB1161  IHL; authorize to convey certain property to              Bailey
        Mississippi Delta Community College.                   
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Property
HB1206  Marine Resources; include law enforcement trainees in     Frierson
        nonstate service classification.                       
           02/09 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
HB1208  Universities and colleges; amend authority to lease       Weathersby
        lands for constructing auxiliary facilities by private 
           02/09 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1212  Environmental services permit fees of State Board of      Holland
        Health; increase.                                      
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB1217  Oil severance tax; revise distribution between state      Lane
        and counties.                                          
           02/09 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1227  Management training for community public water system     Robinson (63rd)
        board members; exempt cities with populations of more  
        than 10,000.                                           
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB1231  Implied consent; revise license suspension to require     Smith (39th)
        completion of MASEP.                                   
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
HB1233  Emerging Crops Fund; authorize loans to agribusinesses    Arinder
        engaged in poultry operations for purposes of upgrades 
        and improvements.                                      
           02/09 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1267  Autism; create task force to study growing incidence of   Akins
        and ways to improve services.                          
           02/09 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations
HB1271  Vulnerable adults; authorize recovery of treble damages   Holland
        in civil action for taking property of.                
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
HB1303  Weapons; return to owner after dismissal, acquittal of    Banks
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
HB1306  Community hospitals; increase maximum compensation        Watson
        authorized for boards of trustees of certain.          
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB1387  Emergency management; expand authority of Governor and    Moss
        Health Department to address pandemics and epidemics.  
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
HB1389  Local option and light wine and beer laws; remove         Watson
        certain residency requirements and extend authority of 
        ABC agents to enforce law.                             
           02/09 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1402  Prohibition on importing certain goods if goods are       Malone
        made by Mississippi Prison Industries; extend repealer 
        on (RP).                                               
           02/09 (S) Referred To Corrections;Appropriations
HB1406  Board of directors meetings for Mississippi Prison        Malone
        Industries; remove required attendance for certain     
           02/09 (S) Referred To Corrections
HB1409  Cigarettes; impose fee on certain manufacturers, revise   Watson
        requirements related to cigarettes in interstate       
           02/09 (S) Referred To Finance
HB1410  Mississippi Prison Industries; revise security            Malone
        requirements for certain facilities.                   
           02/09 (S) Referred To Corrections
HB1411  Public property; authorize DFA to sell certain property   Moss
        located in Alcorn County.                              
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Property
HB1444  Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks; authorize    Gregory
        to transfer certain property to State Veterans Affairs 
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Property
HB1457  Authority to establish restitution centers; extend        Malone
        repealer on (RP).                                      
           02/09 (S) Referred To Corrections
HB1465  Mississippi Rural Health Scholars Program; create.        Cockerham
           02/09 (S) Referred To Universities and Colleges;Appropriations
HB1468  Coastal Preserve Timber Account; establish within the     Frierson
        "Mississippi Marine Resources Fund."                   
           02/09 (S) Referred To Forestry;Appropriations
HB1486  Certified public accountants; revise certain provisions   Brown
           02/09 (S) Referred To Business and Financial Institutions;Judiciary, Division B
HB1498  Criminal assessment; provide for funding of public        Blackmon
        defender training.                                     
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B;Appropriations
HB1501  Chickasawhay Natural Gas District; revise voting and      Robinson (84th)
        election procedures regarding board members and delete 
           02/09 (S) Referred To Public Utilities
HB1505  Judges; provide additional judge for Seventh Circuit      Banks
        Court District.                                        
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A;Appropriations
HB1526  Public Integrity Unit investigations; require             Franks
        defendants convicted as a result to pay certain costs  
        associated with.                                       
           02/09 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A

Senate: Signed By The President

SC 548  Commend Neshoba Central "Lady Rockets" Softball Team      Williamson
        for second consecutive state championship.             
           02/09 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
SC 550  Commend MS Rural Water Association for outstanding        Posey
        hurricane response.                                    
           02/09 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 08/07/2007 at 14:24.

End Of Document
