Mississippi Legislature
2004 Regular Session


As of 06/01/04 at 15:56

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HB 239  Physical education; require public high schools to        Fleming
        teach daily.                                           
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB 243  Personal finance and entrepreneurship course; require     Fleming
        for high school graduation.                            
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB 247  High school; require students to complete state           Fleming
        certified driver education training in order to        
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB 248  School Testing Right to Know Act; create.                 Fleming
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB 251  Public schools; create a task force to study core         Fleming
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB 413  Code of student conduct; extend repealer on provision     Watson
        recognizing teacher as classroom authority (RP).       
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB 488  Mississippi History; require comprehensive course for     Clark
        ninth grade public students.                           
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB 597  Board of Education; require all third grade students      Holland
        who fail to meet certain proficiency levels to attend  
        summer school.                                         
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB 689  State Board of Education; require to produce voter        Clark
        education video for certain students.                  
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB 706  Income tax; provide tax credit for contributions to       Whittington
  $%    schools for use in providing physical fitness or other 
        health programs.                                       
           03/31 (H) Died In Committee
HB 905  School guidance counselors; provide written               Carlton
        notification to certain students of curriculum         
        requirements for tuition assistance.                   
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB1288  Education; require disclaimer in textbooks regarding      Wells-Smith
        the teaching of certain theories.                      
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB1522  Physical education; require public schools to teach       Gunn
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB1544  Health instruction; require public schools to include     Scott
        in physical education courses.                         
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB1552  School boards; authorize to implement a financial         Fleming
 * %    literacy program for students.                         
           04/06 (S) Died In Committee
SB2026  School districts; pilot program requiring pupils to       Simmons
        read a minimum of 4 books per school year.             
           03/09 (S) Died In Committee
SB2385  Mississippi Civic Literacy Act; enact.                    Hewes
           03/09 (S) Died In Committee

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