Mississippi Legislature
2004 Regular Session

Senate Bill 2377

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Bill Text

History of Actions



Description: Appointments to executive agency boards and commissions; to be made from new Mississippi congressional districts.

Bill Text: [Introduced]

History of Actions:

1 01/30 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
2 03/09 (S) Died In Committee

Background Information:

Effective dateJuly 1, 2004
DeadlineGeneral Bill/Constitutional Amendment
Vote type requiredMajority

Senate Committee:

Principal Author: Dawkins

Additional Author: Williamson

Code Sections: A 005-0003-0055, A 025-0053-0007, A 031-0003-0003, A 035-0001-0001, A 035-0003-0024, A 035-0007-0007, A 037-0004-0003, A 037-0063-0003, A 037-0101-0003, A 037-0155-0007, A 039-0003-0101, A 039-0011-0001, A 041-0004-0003, A 043-0013-0107, A 043-0013-0409, A 043-0055-0005, A 047-0005-0541, A 047-0007-0005, A 049-0002-0005, A 049-0004-0004, A 049-0019-0001, A 057-0010-0167, A 063-0017-0057, A 069-0007-0253, A 069-0009-0003, A 069-0015-0002, A 073-0001-0005, A 073-0004-0007, A 073-0015-0009, A 073-0019-0007, A 073-0031-0005, A 073-0033-0003, A 073-0034-0007, A 073-0053-0008, A 073-0060-0005, A 073-0063-0009, A 073-0067-0009

Title: AN ACT TO PROVIDE THAT FROM AND AFTER JULY 1, 2004, APPOINTMENTS TO CERTAIN EXECUTIVE AGENCY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS AND THE PEER COMMITTEE SHALL BE MADE FROM THE FOUR MISSISSIPPI CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS ON A PHASED-IN BASIS; TO AMEND SECTIONS 5-3-55, 25-53-7, 31-3-3, 35-1-1, 35-3-24, 35-7-7, 37-4-3, 37-63-3, 37-101-3, 37-155-7, 39-3-101, 39-11-1, 41-4-3, 43-13-107, 43-13-409, 43-55-5, 47-5-541, 47-7-5, 49-2-5, 49-4-4, 49-19-1, 57-10-167, 63-17-57, 69-7-253, 69-9-3, 69-15-2, 73-1-5, 73-4-7, 73-15-9, 73-19-7, 73-31-5, 73-33-3, 73-34-7, 73-53-8, 73-60-5, 73-63-9 AND 73-67-9, MISSISSIPPI CODE OF 1972, IN CONFORMITY THERETO; AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES.

Information pertaining to this measure was last updated on 03/09/04 at 17:46.

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