Mississippi Legislature
2002 Regular Session


As of 04/15/02 at 09:53

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HB 208  IHL Board; abolish and establish separate board for       Fleming
   %    each institution.                                      
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB 386  State Board for Community and Junior colleges; abolish    Ishee
   %    and place community colleges under IHL Board.          
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB 841  Professional licenses; suspend for default on state       Howell
 * %    educational loans or service conditional scholarships. 
           03/05 (S) Died In Committee
HB 987  Teacher licensure; require elementary school teachers     Warren
        to have U.S. History in college.                       
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB1439  Schools; increase percentage of nonlicensed teachers      Blackmon
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB1478  Teacher education programs; require instruction in the    Martinson
        teaching of phonics.                                   
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB1610  Junior College Board; abolish and transfer duties to      Peranich
   %    IHL Board.                                             
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB1628  Teachers; establish alternative for licensure for         Grist
        applicants failing national exam.                      
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
SB2008  Teacher license; require revocation if person convicted   White (29th)
        of child abuse or child sexual abuse.                  
           02/05 (S) Died In Committee
SB2233  Substitute teachers may be paid twice per month and       Harden
        while student teaching; authorize.                     
           02/05 (S) Died In Committee
SB2288  Limited English Proficient (LEP) students; provide        Harden
        standards and teacher certification for program of     
        bilingual education for.                               
           02/05 (S) Died In Committee
SB2370  Nontraditional teacher preparation and licensure;         Harden
 * %    provide for and qualify for scholarship incentive      
           04/11 Approved by Governor
SB2803  State Board for Community and Junior Colleges; abolish    Hewes
   %    and place under IHL Board.                             
           02/05 (S) Died In Committee

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