Mississippi Legislature

1999 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 02/08/99

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House: Floor Actions

HB 154  County prosecuting attorney; increase salary in certain   Jennings
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 204  Personal leave for state employees; eliminate first day   Scott (80th)
        of illness requirement.                                
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 403  Medicaid; allow disabled workers to purchase coverage.    Evans
           Passed As Amended
HB 464  Prescription drugs; person eligible for Medicare with     Reynolds
        certain income shall receive under Medicaid.           
           Passed As Amended
HB 546  Petition for determination of parental rights; reenact    Ford
        and extend repealer for one year.                      
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 555  State offenders housed in county jails; reenact and       Ford
        extend repealer for one year.                          
           Amendment Failed
HB 560  Environmental protection fee; delete repealer on law      Ford
        that levies fee on motor fuels.                        
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 610  Highway Safety Patrol; extend authority on certain        Ford
        powers and duties of.                                  
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 613  State Grand Jury Act; reenact and extend repealer.        Ford
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 614  Ad valorem taxes; revise form and contents of notice      Reeves
        required when a taxing entity or school district       
        proposes to increase.                                  
           Committee Substitute Adopted
           Motion to Reconsider Entered
HB 619  Unemployment benefits; provide waiver for waiting         Broomfield
        period during major disaster.                          
HB 653  Fiduciaries; extend repealer on provisions authorizing    Ford
        compliance with environmental laws.                    
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 656  State grand jury exception from local jurisdiction;       Ford
        reenact and extend repealer for one year.              
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 695  Nationally certified teachers; authorize local school     Frierson
        districts and private entities to pay certification    
        costs and be reimbursed.                               
           Committee Substitute Adopted
HB 706  Mississippi School of Fine Arts; create.                  Barnett (92nd)
           Committee Substitute Adopted
HB 715  Child support; require bingo operators and casinos to     Reeves
        verify if winners have outstanding judgment against    
           Committee Substitute Adopted
           Passed As Amended
HB 725  Fire protection sprinkler contractors; require            Stevens
        registration of.                                       
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 768  Courts; provide full funding for trial court support      Perry
HB 781  Court of Appeals; authorize assessment of 15% statutory   Perry
        penalty in cases finalized by the court.               
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 820  Money management skills; include in certain secondary     King
        level courses.                                         
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 956  Bureau of Narcotics; authorize retiring member to         Stringer
        retain sidearm.                                        
           Transmitted To Senate
HB 973  Family support centers and parent education programs;     Scott (17th)
        authorize pilot program under Department of Education. 
           Committee Substitute Adopted
           Passed As Amended
HB 980  Commissioners of election; revise compensation of.        Denny
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1035  Drainage districts; authorize to create drainage          Wallace
           Committee Substitute Adopted
           Point of Order Raised
           Set Aside-Pend Ruling of Chair
HB1067  Health insurance policies; require coverage for certain   Moody
        benefits for anesthesia for dental treatment.          
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1082  Mississippi Landmark Grant Program; establish under       McCoy
        Department of Archives and History.                    
HB1128  Consumer loan brokers; limit payments and fees from       Guice
        borrowers to 6% of loan amount.                        
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1159  Deeds; revise acknowledgement of recorded deeds.          Simpson
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1191  School attendance officers; clarify treatment of          Grist
        accumulated leave upon transfer to SDE.                
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1209  Seafood; revise law regulating the taking of female       Ellington
        sponge crabs (DMR).                                    
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1216  Marine resources; revise certain penalties (BMR).         Ellington
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1218  Sixteenth section land; allow board of education to       Simpson
        grant right-of-way.                                    
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1236  Missisippi Employment Security Commission Building        Cameron
        Fund; establish for new office facility construction.  
           Tabled Subject To Call
HB1243  Continuing education for insurance agents; require for    Moore
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1259  Geographic Information System; provide method of          McBride
        recovering costs of developing.                        
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1297  Deputy circuit clerks; authorize surety bonds to be       Coleman (65th)
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1298  Distinctive license tag; authorize for supports of        Clarke
        Commission for Volunteer Service; create requirements  
        for new tags.                                          
           Committee Substitute Adopted
           Passed As Amended
HB1309  Public water system; Health Department annually           Weathersby
        identify those with problems and offer assistance.     
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1363  Mississippi Office of Capital Post-Conviction Counsel;    Capps
           Passed As Amended
HB1447  Airport authority; authorize state institutions of        Perry
        higher learning and community colleges to create.      
           Transmitted To Senate
HB1462  Municipal public utility systems; expand to include       Henderson (9th)
           Transmitted To Senate
SB2381  Retirement; revise calculation of PERS additional         Bryan
        annual benefit.                                        
           Returned For Concurrence

House: Referred Other House

SB2054  Ad valorem taxation; exempt certain motor vehicles used   Jordan (18th)
        to transport children for medical treatment.           
           Referred To Ways and Means
SB2278  Severance tax; extend repealer on "new" oil and gas.      Dearing
           Referred To Ways and Means
SB2380  Registered engineers and land surveyors; revise laws      Ross
           Referred To Judiciary A
SB2385  Public employee whistleblower law; revise.                Ross
           Referred To Judiciary A
SB2679  Nursing facilities; require preadmission screening and    Bean
        authorize additional beds.                             
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2981  Deputy sheriffs; allow retiring deputy to retain          Robertson
           Referred To County Affairs

Senate: Introductions

SB3110  Appropriation; Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Program;      White (29th)
        Addl. FY99.                                            
           Referred To Appropriations

Senate: Committee Reports

HC  81  Commend Michael B. Vinson on being named the 1999         Scott (17th)
        National Superintendent of the Year.                   
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SR  11  Exchange Club of Byram; commend.                          White (29th)
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted

Senate: Floor Actions

HC  81  Commend Michael B. Vinson on being named the 1999         Scott (17th)
        National Superintendent of the Year.                   
           Passed As Amended
           Transmitted To House
SB2001  Statutory rape; reinstate penalty.                        Nunnelee
           Transmitted To House
SB2054  Ad valorem taxation; exempt certain motor vehicles used   Jordan (18th)
        to transport children for medical treatment.           
           Transmitted To House
SB2103  Procedures for determination of rights of an alleged      Bean
        father in adoption proceedings; revise repealers on.   
           Transmitted To House
SB2147  Traffic offenses; revise the fine for speeding in a       Little *
        highway work zone (MDOT).                              
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2153  Public lands; create the Metro Recreational Highway       Smith
        Authority to study use of land between the Pearl River 
        levee system.                                          
SB2195  Veterans' Home Purchase Board; revise maximum amount to   Furniss
        use for acquisition of homes.                          
SB2215  Wildlife; change name of Sandy Creek Wildlife             Dearing
        Management Area to Hayward Benton Drane, Sr., Wildlife 
        Management Area.                                       
           Recommitted to Committee
SB2256  Youth Camp Advisory Council; reconstitute membership.     Bean
           Transmitted To House
SB2257  Child care facility licensure law; make technical         Bean
        amendments thereto.                                    
           Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           Transmitted To House
SB2278  Severance tax; extend repealer on "new" oil and gas.      Dearing
           Transmitted To House
SB2289  Youth Court Act; technical corrections.                   Bean
           Passed As Amended
SB2290  Victims' rights; clarify in delinquency cases.            Bean
SB2310  Foster care placement program; clarify responsibilities   Bean
        of Department of Human Services.                       
           Transmitted To House
SB2324  University & college tuition; members of National Guard   Ross
        considered in-state residents.                         
SB2326  Public property; DFA to convey certain property to        Ross
        Belhaven College.                                      
SB2328  MS Bd of Animal Health and Veterinary Diagnostic Bd;      Ross
        extend repealer.                                       
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2380  Registered engineers and land surveyors; revise laws      Ross
           Transmitted To House
SB2385  Public employee whistleblower law; revise.                Ross
           Transmitted To House
SB2388  Agricultural cooperatives; reduce minimum number of       Hamilton
SB2407  Mississippi Agricultural Promotions Program Act;          Thames
SB2411  MS Egg Marketing Board; revise membership.                Thames
SB2413  Timber; require certain information for identification    Thames
        purposes and increase penalties for theft.             
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2424  Animals; revise seizure of maltreated, neglected or       Farris
        abandoned animals.                                     
           Transmitted To House
SB2436  Rivers; extend life of joint natural and scenic river     Posey
        study committee for 1 year.                            
           Transmitted To House
SB2474  Controlled substance seizures; clarify authority of       Little *
        MDOT enforcement officers.                             
SB2492  Repair and renovation funds; create for IHL, community    Jackson
        colleges and state agencies.                           
SB2493  Constables; prescribe annual reports to be filed with     Jackson
        State Auditor.                                         
SB2500  Mississippi Qualified Health Center Grant Program;        Bean
           Transmitted To House
SB2528  DHS Fraud Investigation Unit; grant subpoena power to.    Bean
           Transmitted To House
SB2538  Public Purchasing Laws; revise definition of the term     Huggins
SB2563  Deeds of trust; not automatically extinquished upon       Posey
        payment of money secured.                              
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2564  Hunting; revise scope of special youth hunts outside of   Posey
        open season.                                           
           Transmitted To House
SB2571  Soil and Water Conservation Commission; certain           Thames
        information collected by not available for public      
SB2573  Mississippi Agriculture Development Committee; revise     Thames
SB2579  Poll worker training sessions; require them to be open    Harden *
        to the general public.                                 
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2589  State Medical Examiner; Commissioner of Public Safety     Posey
        may appoint office administrator in absence of.        
SB2612  Board of supervisors; eliminate alternating board         Horhn
        meetings in counties with two court districts (Hinds). 
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2620  Elections; revise compensation of election                Harden *
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2679  Nursing facilities; require preadmission screening and    Bean
        authorize additional beds.                             
           Transmitted To House
SB2682  Insurance premium finance companies; compute return of    Gordon
        unearned premiums by pro rata method.                  
           Transmitted To House
SB2712  Hunting; allow native son nonresident lifetime license    Posey
        to take doe.                                           
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2741  Motor vehicle titles; allow all designated agents to      Bryan
        electronically transmit title information (STC).       
           Transmitted To House
SB2799  Chiropractic insurance claim review requirements;         Canon
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2840  Bail agent; responsible for return of defendant to        Turner
        jurisdiction (MSA).                                    
           Passed As Amended
SB2841  Structured settlements; enact protections.                Turner
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2855  Hospitality stations; transportation commission work      Hewes
        with universities for beautification.                  
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2862  Health care decisions; revise surrogacy for certain       Turner
        patients and reinstate n.c.m. judicial review (41-41-9)
           Transmitted To House
SB2885  Water heaters; decrease temperature requirements for      Burton
        certain hot water supply storage tanks and heaters.    
SB2886  Motor vehicle retail installment contracts; require       Woodfield
        disclosure of negative equity.                         
SB2897  Reduction of out-of-wedlock birth rates; create county    Tollison *
        incentive fund.                                        
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2901  Sexual assault; clarify responsibility for payment for    Frazier
        medical exam/rape kit (MCSA).                          
           Transmitted To House
SB2905  Foresters Registration Law; extend repealer.              Nunnelee
           Passed As Amended
SB2916  Mississippi Hospital Equipment and Facilities             Bryan
        Authority; may conduct meetings through telephone      
           Tabled Subject To Call
SB2928  Small Loan Regulatory Law; licensees may charge           Nunnelee *
        borrowers non-credit life insurance premiums.          
           Transmitted To House
SB2933  Wildlife; enhance penalties for sale of.                  Posey
           Transmitted To House
SB2936  Historic Shaifer House; Grand Gulf. Mil. Mon. Comm.       Posey
        transfer title to Dept. Archives & History.            
SB2943  Public utilities; prohibit courts from collaterally       Minor
        attacking lawfully established rates and service       
           Motion to Reconsider Tabled
           Transmitted To House
SB2945  Medicaid program; increase physicians fees and create     Gordon
        advisory committee.                                    
           Transmitted To House
SB2947  Real estate brokers; increase license fees and            Woodfield
        continuing ed. requirements.                           
           Motion to Reconsider Tabled
SB2971  Special Task Force for Economic Development Planning;     Horhn
        require heads of state institutions of higher learning 
        to assist.                                             
           Passed As Amended
SB2973  Litter prevention; authorize Keep MS Beautiful to         Hall
        implement annual awards.                               
           Committee Substitute Adopted
SB2974  Wiretapping; clarify prohibition (MBN).                   Turner
           Committee Substitute Adopted
           Passed As Amended
SB2975  State depositories; revise formula for allocating state   Woodfield
        funds among.                                           
           Transmitted To House
SB2981  Deputy sheriffs; allow retiring deputy to retain          Robertson
           Transmitted To House
SB3004  Power of attorney; clarify effect of.                     Tollison
           Transmitted To House
SB3016  Chiropractic record keeping procedures; prescribe under   Canon
        licensure law.                                         
SB3017  Dental services; increase Medicaid reimbursement rates    Bean
           Transmitted To House
SC 516  Const. 99 & 106; revise appointment of State Librarian.   Turner
SC 520  Const 177A; add municipal court judge to Commission on    Mettetal
        Judicial Performance.                                  
SC 523  Const; protect MS Fire Fighters Memorial Burn Center      Furniss
        Trust Fund.                                            
SR  11  Exchange Club of Byram; commend.                          White (29th)

Senate: Measures That Have Died

SB2215  Wildlife; change name of Sandy Creek Wildlife             Dearing
        Management Area to Hayward Benton Drane, Sr., Wildlife 
        Management Area.                                       
           Died In Committee

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/08/99 at 07:28.

End Of Document
