Mississippi Legislature

1999 Regular Session


As of 04/28/99 at 14:05

Instructions Bill Status Menu

HB 229  Unemployment compensation; exempt certain nonprofit       Perkins
           02/02 (H) Died In Committee
HB 697  Counties; authorize use of county or municipal property   Fredericks
        or equipment for nonprofit organizations.              
           02/02 (H) Died In Committee
HB1186  Counties; authorize use of county or municipal property   Dedeaux
        or equipment for nonprofit organizations.              
           02/02 (H) Died In Committee
HB1337  Nonprofit health care conversion transactions; require    Holland
   %    approval by Attorney General.                          
           02/02 (H) Died In Committee
HB1469  Municipalities; may contribute to certain nonprofit       Watson
        corporation engaged in economic development.           
           03/11 Approved by Governor
HB1483  Warren County; authorize to contribute to Vicksburg       Flaggs
 *      Family Development Service, Inc.                       
           04/01 Approved by Governor
HB1514  Claiborne County; authorize to contribute funds to the    Middleton
        Claiborne County Family Health Center.                 
           02/05 Approved by Governor
HB1520  Warren County; authorize to contribute money to the       Flaggs
 *      Warren Washington Issaquena Sharkey Community Action   
           03/25 Approved by Governor
SB2237  Sales tax exemption; Ducks Unlimited fund-raising         Dearing
  $%    purchases.                                             
           02/24 (S) Died In Committee
SB2463  Harrison County; contribute to Feed My Sheep, Inc.        Gollott
           04/01 Approved by Governor
SB2466  Harrison County; contribute to the Mississippi Gulf       Gollott
        Coast Multiple Sclerosis Society.                      
           04/01 Approved by Governor
SB2467  Harrison County; contribute to the Gulf Coast Community   Gollott
        Action Agency.                                         
           04/01 Approved by Governor
SB2468  Harrison County; contribute to the George E. Ohr Arts &   Gollott
        Cultural Center in Biloxi.                             
           04/01 (H) Died In Committee
SB2469  Highway 90 overpass at Henderson Point; designate as      Gollott
        the "Gerald Roux Memorial Overpass".                   
           03/02 (H) Died In Committee
SB2536  Municipalities; may lease surplus lands to non-profits    Hall
        for less than fair market value (JXN).                 
           03/16 Approved by Governor
SB2664  City of Jackson; may contract with Keep Jackson           Hall
        Beautiful, Inc.                                        
           03/25 Approved by Governor
SB2876  Sales taxation; exempt sales to the Lynn Meadows          Hewes
  $%    Discovery Center.                                      
           02/24 (S) Died In Committee
SB2930  Nonprofit healthcare provider conversion transaction      Ferris
   %    review; required by Attorney General.                  
           02/02 (S) Died In Committee
SB3077  Warren County; authorize a contribution to the Warren     Ferris
        Washington Issaquena Sharkey Community Action Agency.  
           04/01 (H) Died In Committee

End Of Document
