Mississippi Legislature

1999 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 03/22/99

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Floor Actions

HB 833  State employees; repeal provision requiring payment on    Capps
        a delayed basis twice per month.                       
           Suspend from Deadlines by HC 118

Signed By The Governor

HB 581  Sales tax; revise the rate imposed on the sale of         Howell
        certain truck-tractors and semitrailers (STC).         
           Approved by Governor
HB 668  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for construction    Holden
        and development of a golf course at the Hugh White     
        State Park.                                            
           Approved by Governor
HB1121  Public property; DFA convey all interest in certain       Howell
        property to Montgomery Co., NWMS Comm. Coll. convey    
        property to Benton Co. Sch. Dist.                      
           Approved by Governor
HB1145  Bad checks; revise application for motor vehicle          Davis
           Approved by Governor
HB1330  Appropriation; Reappropriation; DFA - Corrections         Capps
        construction; FY00.                                    
           Approved by Governor
HB1331  Appropriation; Reappropriation; DFA - Bureau of           Capps
        Building; FY00.                                        
           Approved by Governor
HB1574  Appropriation; Rural Fire Truck Acquisition Program;      Capps
        Addl. FY99.                                            
           Approved by Governor
HB1590  Appropriation; Board of Agricultural Aviation.            Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1592  Appropriation; Auctioneers Commission.                    Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1593  Appropriation; State Board of Barber Examiners.           Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1595  Appropriation; Board of Examiners for Social Workers      Foster
        and Marriage and Family Therapists.                    
           Approved by Governor
HB1597  Appropriation; Coast Coliseum Commission.                 Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1599  Appropriation; State Board of Registration for            Foster
        Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.             
           Approved by Governor
HB1601  Appropriation; State Board of Psychology.                 Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1602  Appropriation; State Board of Medical Licensure.          Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1604  Appropriation; Board of Nursing.                          Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1605  Appropriation; Oil and Gas Board.                         Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1606  Appropriation; Board of Optometry.                        Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1607  Appropriation; Pat Harrison Waterway District.            Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1608  Appropriation; Pearl River Basin Development District.    Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1610  Appropriation; Tombigbee River Valley Water Management    Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1611  Appropriation; Yellow Creek State Inland Port             Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1612  Appropriation; Public Utilities Staff.                    Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1614  Appropriation; Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and        Foster
        Certification Board.                                   
           Approved by Governor
HB1615  Appropriation; Real Estate Commission.                    Foster
           Approved by Governor
HB1619  Appropriation; State Board of Registration for            Henderson (9th)
           Approved by Governor
HB1620  Appropriation; Beauvoir Shrine.                           Brown
           Approved by Governor
HB1621  Appropriation; Mississippi River Parkway Commission.      Brown
           Approved by Governor
HB1631  Appropriation; benefit payments to retirants under the    Flaggs
        former Teachers' Retirement System.                    
           Approved by Governor
HB1632  Appropriation; Grand Gulf Military Monument Commission.   Livingston
           Approved by Governor
HB1637  Appropriation; pay interest on Chickasaw School Fund.     McCoy
           Approved by Governor
HB1670  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for water           Ellington
        pollution control emergency loan program.              
           Approved by Governor
HB1671  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds to construct        Williams
        facilities at Stennis Space Center for USM's           
        hydrographic sciences program.                         
           Approved by Governor
HB1673  Bonds; increase amount of bonds that may be issued for    Williams
        repair and renovation of Addie McBryde Center.         
           Approved by Governor
SB2338  Appropriation; Museum of Natural Science; Addl. FY99.     Hall
           Approved by Governor
SB2354  "Marriage and Family Therapy Licensure Act of 1997";      Canon
           Approved by Governor
SB2579  Poll worker training sessions; require them to be open    Harden *
        to the general public.                                 
           Approved by Governor
SB2799  Chiropractic insurance claim review requirements;         Canon
           Approved by Governor
SB3100  Bonds; increase amount of bonds that may be issued        Smith
        under the Economic Development Highway Act (DECD).     
           Approved by Governor
SB3111  Appropriation; DFA, pay state's portion of retirement;    Hall
        Addl. FY99.                                            
           Approved by Governor
SB3201  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds to provide funds    Ross
        to defray the expenses of the Military Department for  
        construction design.                                   
           Approved by Governor

House: Introductions

HB1732  City of Hattiesburg; may increase minimum monthly         Davis
        benefit for fire and police department retirees.       
           Referred To Local and Private Legislation;Appropriations

House: Committee Reports

HB 833  State employees; repeal provision requiring payment on    Capps
        a delayed basis twice per month.                       
           Title Suff Do Pass

House: Floor Actions

HB 494  Support dogs; trainers of shall have same rights as       Horne
        those provided to disabled persons with dogs.          
           Concurred in Amend From Senate
HB 811  Pharmacy discount cards; cannot be issued unless          Howell
        issurer pays portion of discount given by pharmacy.    
           Decline to Concur/Invite Conf
HB 817  Alcoholic beverages; delete requirement that applicant    Williams
        for alcoholic beverage permit  read and write the      
        English language (STC).                                
           Veto Referred To Ways and Means
HB 954  Automated external defibrillators; provide for            Barnett (92nd)
        requirements and training for use of.                  
           Concurred in Amend From Senate
HB1336  Boxing; require license by Athletic Commission before     Williams
        person acts as promoter of event or closed circuit     
           Veto Referred To Ways and Means
HB1435  Community hospitals; revise and expand authorized         Williams
        investments for funds of.                              
           Decline to Concur/Invite Conf

House: Referred Other House

SC 637  Bay Springs Fire Department; commend for quick response   Thames
        to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.              
           Referred To Rules
SC 638  Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi; commend.              Bean
           Referred To Rules
SC 639  Smith County Sheriff's Department; commend for quick      Thames
        response to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.     
           Referred To Rules
SC 640  Mize Fire Department; commend for quick response to       Thames
        massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.                 
           Referred To Rules
SC 641  Raleigh Fire Department; commend for quick response to    Thames
        massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.                 
           Referred To Rules
SC 642  Hebron Fire Department; commend for quick response to     Thames
        massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.                 
           Referred To Rules
SC 643  Sylvarena Fire Department; commend for quick response     Thames
        to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.              
           Referred To Rules
SC 644  Jasper County Sheriff's Department; commend for quick     Thames
        response to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.     
           Referred To Rules
SC 645  Stringer Fire Department; commend for quick response to   Thames
        massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.                 
           Referred To Rules
SC 646  Taylorsville Fire and Police Departments; commend for     Thames
        quick response to massive downtown fire.               
           Referred To Rules

House: Signed By The Speaker

HB  46  Domestic insurance companies; prohibit from making        Stevens
        certain loans to any stockholder, officer or director  
        of the company.                                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 336  State Veterans Affairs Board; revise certain              Rogers
        appointments by.                                       
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 403  Medicaid; allow disabled workers to purchase coverage.    Evans
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 451  Harrison County; authorize Harrison County to             Fredericks
        contribute funds to the South Mississippi Chapter of   
        the Alzheimer's Association.                           
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 537  Water Resources Advisory Council; reenact laws            Ford
        regarding council and extend repealer.                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 613  State Grand Jury Act; reenact and extend repealer.        Ford
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 821  Check Cashers Law; make various amendments and extend     Guice
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 822  County jails; establish and mandate training standards    Green (34th)
        for county jail officers.                              
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 832  Income tax; provide credit for certain reforestation      Eaton
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB 956  Bureau of Narcotics; authorize retiring member to         Stringer
        retain sidearm.                                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1065  Circuit clerks; increase fee for filing writs of          Smith (39th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1082  Mississippi Landmark Grant Program; establish under       McCoy
        Department of Archives and History.                    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1243  Continuing education for insurance agents; require for    Moore
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1480  Loans; exempt certain loans from privilege tax and        Simpson
        small loan regulation and tax.                         
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1562  Lamar County; authorize to donate to Boys and Girls       Frierson
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1568  Bonds; issue bonds to provide matching funds for Bluff    Ketchings
        Stabilization Project for City of Natchez and Pat      
        Harrison Waterway District.                            
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1609  Appropriation; Pearl River Valley Water Supply            Foster
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1644  City of Hattiesburg; authorize to donate to USM Office    Davis
        of Community Service Learning.                         
           Enrolled Bill Signed
HB1683  Leake County; authorize assessment on misdemeanor cases   Malone
        to fund Crimestoppers.                                 
           Enrolled Bill Signed

Senate: Introductions

SN  77  Dr. Munson P. Hinman, Pascagoula, Mississippi, as a       GOVERNOR
        member of the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners,   
        for the unexpired term of office ending April 20, 2002 
           Referred To Public Health and Welfare

Senate: Committee Reports

HC 137  Commend Cortland Raydarius Collins.                       Bozeman
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 138  Commend Alcorn State University Braves Basketball Team.   Clarke
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 139  Commend Jerry L. Campbell for meritorious service as      Smith (39th)
        Executive Director of the Tennessee Valley Public Power
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
HC 141  Commend the Alcorn State University Debate Team.          Middleton
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 648  Stone High School Boys Basketball Team; commend.          Lee
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SC 649  Stand Up for Rural Mississippi Day; declare March 26,     Blackmon
        1999, as.                                              
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SR  75  Ingomar High School Falcons Boys Basketball Team;         Browning
        commend for winning state championship.                
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SR  76  Ingomar High School Lady Falcons Girls Basketball Team;   Browning
        commend for outstanding season.                        
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SR  77  East Side High School Girls Basketball Team; commend.     Simmons
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SR  78  Loyd Star Football Team; commend.                         Rayborn
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SR  79  Stone High School Girls Basketball Team; commend.         Lee
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted
SR  80  Pontotoc High School Girls Basketball Team; commend.      Browning
           Title Suff Do Be Adopted

Senate: Floor Actions

HB1685  City of Southaven; authorize to purchase certain          Jennings
           Transmitted To House
HB1689  City of Iuka; authorize expansion of gas distribution     Cummings
        system beyond corporate limits.                        
           Transmitted To House
HB1693  City of Southhaven; authorize to compensate Summershill   Jennings
        Fire District for certain removed territory.           
           Transmitted To House
SB2756  Marine Resources; clarify duties of commission,           Hewes
        department and executive director.                     
           Conferees Named Hewes,Moffatt,Gollott
SB2804  Marine resources; transfer DWFP marine law enforcement    Hewes
        to DMR.                                                
           Conferees Named Hewes,Moffatt,Gollott
SB2994  Department of Marine Resources; authorize to employ       Hewes
        legal counsel.                                         
           Conferees Named Hewes,Moffatt,Robertson
SC 637  Bay Springs Fire Department; commend for quick response   Thames
        to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.              
           Transmitted To House
SC 638  Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi; commend.              Bean
           Transmitted To House
SC 639  Smith County Sheriff's Department; commend for quick      Thames
        response to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.     
           Transmitted To House
SC 640  Mize Fire Department; commend for quick response to       Thames
        massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.                 
           Transmitted To House
SC 641  Raleigh Fire Department; commend for quick response to    Thames
        massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.                 
           Transmitted To House
SC 642  Hebron Fire Department; commend for quick response to     Thames
        massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.                 
           Transmitted To House
SC 643  Sylvarena Fire Department; commend for quick response     Thames
        to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.              
           Transmitted To House
SC 644  Jasper County Sheriff's Department; commend for quick     Thames
        response to massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.     
           Transmitted To House
SC 645  Stringer Fire Department; commend for quick response to   Thames
        massive downtown fire in Taylorsville.                 
           Transmitted To House
SC 646  Taylorsville Fire and Police Departments; commend for     Thames
        quick response to massive downtown fire.               
           Transmitted To House

Senate: Signed By The President

SB2176  Public bid requirements and exceptions; clarify.          Burton
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB2859  Geographic Information System; provide method of          Dickerson
        recovering costs of developing.                        
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3060  Gas severance tax; exempt carbon dioxide.                 Scoper
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3093  Sales tax; exempt sales of certain home medical           Harvey
        equipment and supplies when paid for by Medicare or    
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3117  Greenwood; remove the repealer on the Greenwood Tourism   Jordan (24th)
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3194  Bonds; issue g.o. bonds for grants to provide loans for   Horhn
        development property in the Farish Street Historic     
           Enrolled Bill Signed
SB3208  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for capital         Posey
        improvements for the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries 
        and Parks.                                             
           Enrolled Bill Signed

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/08/99 at 07:29.

End Of Document
